Portrait Dr. Birte Nachtwey

Professional Membership

Welcome to

Dr. Birte Nachtwey

Relationship and Sex Therapy
in Port Charlotte, Isle of Islay, Scotland

My practice focuses on couple therapy and sex therapy, which are often closely connected.

Maybe you think of having couple therapy because …

you feel that your partnership is not at its best?
you feel stagnant or as if going around in endless circles?
your everyday communication has become difficult or lost?
there is an affair crisis with one or both partners or thoughts of separation?
one of you wants more, the other less?
you hardly find any pleasure in each other?

Reasons for sexual therapy can be some of the following:

  • Lack of desire or very different levels of desire
  • Impotence, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation,
  • Arousal disorders, orgasm difficulties or absence
  • Pain during intercourse (dyspareunia)
  • Vaginal spasm during intercourse (vaginismus)
  • Sex addiction or feeling troubled by certain types of sexual activities (e.g., porn, fetishism etc.)
  • Questions around sexual orientation: Uncertainty about your gender identity and sexual preference (e.g. bisexuality, homosexuality, transsexuality, intersexuality)
  • Wanting to deepen or rediscover your sexuality for your own sexual potential and for your relationship

Take a step towards improving your life, your relationship and your sexuality with my guidance and support

Dr. Birte Nachtwey

Portrait Dr. Birte Nachtwey

Professional Membership